Amended Declaration

Hello Everyone,

Over the last couple of years, the Crystal Lakes Water and Sewer Board has been working to bring all of the Association’s governing documents up to date with current Colorado State Law and homeowner association best practices. At the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting, the Board discussed upcoming changes to the Covenants, which is the last and most important piece of this update, as the original Declaration is almost 45 years old.

This document will be put to a vote by the membership, and the CLWSA Board wants to ensure that you as a property owner feel educated about the document and that all questions are asked and answered. The Board will be setting some time aside at both the January and February Board Meetings to answer your questions and concerns. Please take a moment to read through the following bullet list of highlighted changes, as well as the entire document itself. This Declaration is so different from the original that a side-by-side comparison may be difficult, but we have included the 1975 Amended Declaration as well for your reference.

Highlighted Changes:

  • Definitions have been added to the beginning of the Declaration.

  • Terminology has been updated throughout the document.

  • Section 5, Decree of Augmentation, in the new document updates section VI (of the same name) of the current Declaration with relevant court information, as well as information concerning Lower Lone Pine Reservoir and overall reservoir operation and maintenance.

  • Section 6 was added to clarify maintenance responsibilities of CLWSA and those of the property owners.

  • Section 7 addresses the Financing of the Association and has been updated with how the annual budget is determined, the assessments for the 6th and 11th filing properties on water and sewer systems, and most importantly brings the budget approval process up-to-date with current practices under Colorado law. This section also outlines special assessments, personal obligation of members, and the Association’s collection policy.

  • Section 8 addresses required insurance coverages for the Association that should have been outlined in the original Declaration, and were not clearly addressed.

  • Section 9 addresses easements held by the Association, primarily for maintenance, and the members’ easement for right of enjoyment of common areas. Easements were not clearly defined in the original Declaration.

  • Section 10 contains revisions to the original Declaration’s section V concerning enforcement, notice, duration, and amendment of the Declaration. It also addresses consolidation of lots as well as combination of lots. It also removes the requirement of arbitration, as dispute resolution is addressed in a separate Association policy.

Click on the buttons below to view the proposed Amended Declaration and the current Declaration.