Current Dues, Fees & Fines Schedule

Annual assessments are due June 1st.

Payments received after August 31st are late. 
If you do not receive a statement by May 1st, contact CLWSA at  
Payments can be made online by clicking the button below. For some clarifying instructions on how to make online payments, click HERE:

Or by mail. Please send to the following address, payments are sent directly to our bank:

Crystal Lakes Water and Sewer Association
c/o Westwind Management Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 65542
Phoenix, AZ 85082-6554

PLEASE NOTE: Payments to Water and Sewer must be made separately from payments to the Road and Rec Association.

The Water and Sewer Fiscal Year (FY) runs from June 1st to May 31st.  Please email with questions.