Q. What type of emails will I receive?
A. CLWSA uses Mailchimp to send out email announcements concerning updates to operations, as well as any policy changes that may occur. This includes office hour changes, project updates and status, water and sewer related emergencies, etc. We also use this list to send out our Quarterly Newsletter, keeping you updated on what's going on with Crystal Lakes Water & Sewer in one concise email.
Q. I'm on the list, and need to change something. How do I do that?
A. Quarterly, you will receive an email with a unique link you can use to modify your information. Or you can go to the last email you received from us, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will find a link to "You can update your profile and preferences..." This will take you to the Mailchimp website and give you the ability to update your information.
Q. I no longer own property in Crystal Lakes. I am on the list and need to be removed?
A. You can click HERE and you will be taken to the unsubscribe page on the Mailchimp website.
Q. My email address has changed and I can no longer access it. What do I do?
A. Feel free to send changes to office@clwater.org, or just unsubscribe and then, re-subscribe with your new info.
Thank You!