Changes to CLWSA Board Meetings

At the February Meeting held this past Saturday, the Crystal Lake Water & Sewer Association’s Board of Directors made the decision to change the day of the month and the time that they hold their Monthly Board Meetings.

This change came as a result of continued timing conflicts between the Water & Sewer Association’s meetings and the Road and Recreation Association’s meetings. Those that serve on the Water & Sewer Board as well as the Association’s staff would like to be able to attend the Road & Recreation Association meetings, but that would limit the time CLWSA has to conduct it’s meetings. Therefore, the CLWSA Board of Directors have chosen to move their meetings to the fourth Saturday of the month at 9:00am. Previously the Crystal Lakes Water & Sewer Association was conducting it’s meetings on the third Saturday of the month at 8:00am.
This change goes into effect in March with that month’s meeting being held on Saturday, March 26th at 9:00am.

Please contact the CLWSA office if you have any questions or concerns regarding this change.

Office phone: (970) 881-2861   |   Office email: