Revised Boat Storage Policy

After two years working with the current Boat Storage Policy, the Crystal Lakes Water & Sewer Association has come to the conclusion that revisions are necessary. The Association is releasing the draft of this revised Boat Storage Policy for comment until Wednesday, April 20. The new policy will take effect after the April Board Meeting on Saturday, April 22.

Changes include:

Rental fee due date will now be June 30th. We will be removing the rental fee from assessment invoices, transitioning to taking payment for the rental fee with the Water & Sewer office directly. The office staff has spent quite a bit of time chasing down all three requirements that are associated with renting a boat slip: payment, annual waiver, and correct stickers. Taking payment through the office will give the staff the opportunity to take care of all three items at once. This also closes the loophole that billing with assessments created as our late date for those invoices is September 1st, a renter could go all summer without paying on their boat slip.

Moving to one sticker that indicates that storage fees have been paid as well as identifying filing and lot of the renter. This sticker will also indicate the location and number of the slot that is being rented.

Finally, we have included email as an accepted form of communication along with sending notices via USPS for any issues or violations.

We are hopeful that these changes will make it easier for renters to comply with the policy.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Water & Sewer office, (970) 881-2861 or