
There are currently three committees serving the Crystal Lakes Water and Sewer Association (CLWSA) Board of Directors.  All final decisions are the responsibility of the CLWSA Board of Directors.

Compliance Committee (Hearing Panel)

After the passage of Colorado House Bill 22-1137, legal counsel advised the CLWSA Board of Directors to establish a Compliance Committee (a.k.a. Hearing Panel) to act as the Impartial Decision Maker when it comes to violations and fines. Currently the Water & Sewer Association only has one possible fine, failure to submit a meter reading. Meter readings are a “condition of approval” on all well permits issued within the Crystal Lakes Augmentation Plan area. Annual readings are requested with Annual Meeting Notices and are due by August 31st. For more information on meter readings please contact the Crystal Lakes Water & Sewer Office. This is a standing committee.

Charter: Compliane Committee Charter

6th Filing Water & Sewer Advisory Committee

The 6th Filing Water System and Sewer System members pay additional fees for seasonal services.  This group meets as needed to discuss budget, system needs, etc.  It is not a standing committee, but can at times be active.

Charter: 6th Filing Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Charter

Webpage: 6th Filing Water and Sewer

Water and Sewer Technical Advisory Committee (“TAC”)

This committee acts as a resource for the Crystal Lakes Water and Sewer Association Board of Directors by providing in-depth technical advice, research and project staffing.  They assist via Board request with any WS related area of responsibility, including but not limited to:

  • dam maintenance,
  • sewer and water system design,
  • operations and performance,
  • quality checklist development,
  • analysis of water & sewer work order volumes,
  • cost of services and pricing, etc.

Charter:  CLWSA Technical Advisory Committee