Declaration Vote

The Crystal Lakes Water & Sewer Association’s Board of Directors will be presenting an updated, proposed Amended and Restated Declaration for the membership to vote on in early September. This webpage will help keep all of the information in one place.

The Reason

Our original Declaration is nearly 50 years old and is in dire need of updating. The purpose of this proposed Amended and Restated Declaration is to bring our main governing documents into compliance with today’s laws in the State of Colorado as well as into alignment with the governance practices of the Association.

The How

The original Declaration requires that we get approval, through a ballot vote, “by the owners of not less than a majority of the area of the property then subject to this Declaration, excluding the Common Open Space.” This translates to an approval of 51% of the membership based on property size. This means that we need all property owners to participate in the ballot vote. We need affirmative votes, meaning that we need 51% to vote in favor of the proposed Amended and Restated Declaration, a ballot that is not returned is a vote against, so we need you to return your ballot in a timely manner. We want to use every tool in the toolbox to ensure that the membership is well informed and aware of the proposed Amended and Restated Declaration and that everyone has easy access to submitting their vote. You will see email notices and posts on NextDoor. If you do not receive Water & Sewer email, please subscribe to our email list by clicking HERE.

The proposed Amended and Restated Declaration can be reviewed by clicking on the orange button below. The blue button will take you to the original, current declaration and the green button will take you to a GoogleForm where you can submit your comments. If you want a printed copy, please give us a call or come by our office, we will be happy to provide you with one. We will have paper comment forms at the office, as well.

Interested in the cliffs notes? Click HERE for a bullet list of the proposed changes to the declaration.

We are also going to hold three (3) townhall meetings over the summer where you can get an in-person presentation about the document and members of the Board, the Association Manager, and the Association’s attorney* will be on hand to answer your questions. These meetings will all be held at the Water & Sewer Building, 241 Blackfoot Road and on Zoom, on the following dates:

  • *Saturday, August 17th at 1:00pm – Association Attorney Peter Dauster will be in attendance – For the meeting recording click HERE.
  • Thursday, August 29th at 6:30pm

Finally, in an effort to engage as many voters as possible, we will be offering electronic voting. This is entirely optional and in order to receive an electronic ballot, you must sign up via the button below. Paper ballots are the default and will be automatically sent out, unless a property owner has signed up for electronic voting. Please note that this will not be a secret ballot. All ballots, mailed and electronic, will go out at the beginning of September with 30-days to return.